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Track of the Week: Ansel Elgort - "Supernova"

Lilia McDonald

Once #Spotify randomly selected “Supernova” by #Ansel #Elgort, I was immediately hooked. Initially, I only recognized Elgort as the charming male protagonist from the popular teen film The Fault in Our Stars. Finding out that Elgort also rapped absolutely doubled my liking towards him.

The story-line throughout the song surrounds the idea of unrequited love resulting in Elgort experiencing a difficult #heartbreak acting like a #supernova (star explosion). From the get-go, he takes on a heavy amount of pressure and feels as if he is Atlas the Titan. This unbearable stress derives from a complicated relationship which immerses Elgort in a flood of emotions, frustrating him to no end.

This aquatic and intergalactic hybrid of a track has an oxymoronic quality of combining a serene flow with distressed lyrics. With his husky vocal phrasing, one can sense how much he is hurting as he slurs, “I’ve been waking up drenched in sweat / All my dreams full of regret.” Luckily, as a temporary measure of relief, a flute solo proceeds before the outro and sounds somewhat whimsical. Though his heart may have felt like a ‘supernova’, perhaps hope is still on the horizon for Elgort as there are plenty of stars in the sky, such as himself.


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