A song tackling loneliness, substance abuse and messy parties. "#Mind" recalls #Declan #McKenna's drunken, confused sixteen-year-old self during a friend's Halloween party. "That's not really who I am," McKenna proclaims, as lowering inhibitions are to blame for not thinking straight.
"Why'd you keep changing your mind?" claps into the listener's consciousness, a refrain demanding answers. Life is full of questions that may drive people towards momentary 'feel-good' highs to escape the feeling of uncertainty while drastically changing their behavior. A person's mask falls off and they unveil multiple sides of themselves - the good, the bad and the ugly. Their mind becomes a light switch flipping between their channel of thoughts bearing golden or traumatic moments.
McKenna's voice, audibly drained, pours out lyrics that droop and clash with the next set of lyrics and the following thereafter. In the background, and sometimes in the forefront running a solo, the swishing guitar strumming and staccato drumming take control. Their 'kapow!'-like quality harnesses enough clamour to keep the party rolling and McKenna's demons at bay.
